Rituals and Affirmations for Daily Life

Shifting your mindset to positivity and a state of calm is hard work. If you struggle to remind yourself of your worth or if it’s hard for you to believe in yourself, I highly recommend beginning a ritual of daily affirmations. 

If you’re unfamiliar with what affirmations are, these are phrases or statements that we say and repeat to ourselves in order to refocus our attention on positive moments and to recenter our bodies in soul and spirit.

Often, these phrases are positive (“I am worthy”, “I’m happy, healthy, and blessed”) but sometimes may present more neutrally (“I am where I need to be”, “I will dwell in this moment”). Why do affirmations work? Behind speaking affirmations is a theory that positive self-talk helps our brains form new neural pathways. Your brain will recall the affirmations as truth the more often you say them. 

After a time, your brain will subconsciously bring the affirmations to your forethought during difficult times when you need them most. For example, if you’re been challenging yourself to remember you’re not a people pleaser, an affirmation for you may be “I need to please no one but myself.” When you’re tempted to please people, your brain will bring that affirmation back. 

I know you may think and yes! This is a form of positive thinking. But don’t get it twisted, we don’t do toxic positivity around here. We lean into the uncomfortable moments of life and train our brains to see it from a new angle. 

It has blessed me as a mother to walk through rituals with my children. Some of these include saying affirmations in the mirror to ourselves every morning and evening, and we’ve worked on forming a good self relationship. 

How do you put these affirmations into practice?

  • Say them out loud: Our bodies are made up of senses, and while thinking an affirmation is good - you’re not getting the full benefits without saying it out loud and speaking it into existence.

  • Choose to work on a handful at one time: Choosing affirmations that are meaningful to you at the moment are crucial to finding your best practice in them. I choose about four or five that I want to focus on any day and really lean into them.

  • Use present tense: How we phrase our affirmations matters! Instead of “I will become wealthy one day” go for the present tense of “I am wealthy.”

And if you need some guidance on where to start, here’s a few affirmations that I use and enjoy.

  • I am grateful for the people in my life

  • I have every opportunity I need

  • I give myself permission to feel deeply

  • I am powerful and confident

  • I am good enough

Whether you want to talk more about implementing rituals in your life or you want to chat about boudoir and how it connects with affirmations, let’s chat more!


Mindfulness and Mental Health


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